Montevideo, 25 July 2022 (TDI): Uruguay officials receive a delegation from the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

Both sides discussed issues on the bilateral agenda between Uruguay and China, specifically preparing for the FTA negotiation.

Officials involved

The Secretary of the Presidency, Álvaro Delgado, and the Ministers Azucena Arbeleche and Francisco Bustillo from the delegation of Uruguay participated.

The head of the Chinese delegation was the Director General for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cai Wei.

The Chinese delegation includes Cao Li, He Zhefeng, Wang Hao, Wang Gang, and Sang Menglian.

Both sides discussed bilateral relations and addressed the international scenario as a whole. They have also highlighted cooperation’s importance and strength during the difficult times posed by the pandemic.

On the other hand, both sides were very satisfied with the level reached in bilateral trade.

Proceedings of the Meeting

“Work has begun to finalize a timetable to move forward and conclude the free trade agreement with China,” the Foreign Minister of Uruguay, Bustillo announced.  In addition, he said that it is possible to conclude it before 2025.

Likewise, Cai Wei expressed that they hope to receive Bustillo’s visit to China in preparation for the subsequent one planned by Uruguay’s President.

“We are going to continue negotiating, taking steps in this direction. We hope and expect that at some point, the rest of the Mercosur member countries will join,” Bustillo said.

The Minister recalled that in 1988 the former president, Sanguinetti began negotiations and initiated bilateral diplomatic relations with China. According to this, he mentioned that successive administrations have since moved in the same direction.

“We hope to conclude the free trade agreement during this period of government,” said Bustillo.

Cai Wei pointed out that there is a will to affirm the bilateral relationship.

Moreover, he also indicated that FTA is an example that China is willing to negotiate with those interested countries. In the end, he mentioned that their government is open to cooperation with Uruguay and other region members.

“We hope that the Mercosur parties can negotiate amicably with each other to create a better environment for FTA,” he concluded.

China-Uruguay Relations

Relations between the two countries grew fast across the spectrum. Cooperation in economy and trade made steady progress. Two-way trade maintained a growth momentum. According to this, China became Uruguay’s largest trading partner and the largest importer of wool, soybean, and beef.

In addition, 2024 will mark the 35th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Uruguay.



MA in International Relations at Sichuan University