Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during a meeting with Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Moscow, February 24, 2022


We are pleased to know that our relations are based on a solid, mutually beneficial and respectful foundation. This is the way all countries should communicate among themselves in accordance with the UN Charter. Unfortunately, our Western friends do not respect international law, they try to destroy it and promote what they call a “rules-based order.”

As you may have heard, President Vladimir Putin made a detailed statement this morning in connection with NATO’s actions and the announcement that they are no longer limited to the territories of NATO member states, but are aspiring to be larger scale.

They are “responsible for international security.” The way they advance the so-called strategies in the Indo-Pacific region is clear evidence that they have an “appetite” for the entire planet.

We have had tense and detailed discussions with our US colleagues and other NATO members. We hope there is still a chance to return to international law and international commitments.

And as we take the measures announced by the President to ensure the security of the country and the Russian people, we will always be ready for dialogue that will return us to justice and the principles of the UN Charter.

I had to say this before moving on to Russian-Pakistani relations, which, as I said, we highly appreciate and we look forward to continuing this cooperation.

*The Foreign Minister of Pakistan was on a two-day visit to Russia along with the Prime Minister of Pakistan.