Baku, 11 March 2023 (TDI): The 10th Global Baku Forum, titled “The World of Today: Challenges and Hopes,” was held in Azerbaijan. It assembled world leaders and intellectuals to address critical global issues.
President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan inaugurated the ceremony. During his speech, he praised the famous Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi’s inventiveness.
He complimented the Azerbaijani people’s intelligence and talent, as exemplified by renowned poet Nizami Ganjavi.
President Aliyev stated that Nizami Ganjavi’s intelligence and talent embody the wisdom and talent of the people of Azerbaijan. His works have influenced generations of Azerbaijani poets, and his legacy is integral to Azerbaijani cultural heritage.
Azərbaycan yüksək dini və etnik dözümlülüyü ilə seçilən, müxtəlif etnik qrupların, konfessiyaların nümayəndələrinin dinc və ləyaqətli şəkildə yaşadığı ölkədir.
— İlham Əliyev (@azpresident) March 10, 2023
Aliyev emphasized the significance of Ganjavi’s legacy and its applicability to modern-day difficulties in his speech. He said Nizami’s poetry stressed the importance of love, compassion, and justice in the modern world.
In his discussion of the world’s current problems, President Aliyev brought up issues including terrorism, poverty, and climate change.
He underlined the necessity for international cooperation and communication to tackle these issues and create a more peaceful and prosperous world.
Aliyev remarked that the globe is complicated and interdependent today. He additionally stated that he thinks people can overcome problems and make a better future for everyone by working together.
The President of Azerbaijan’s speech demonstrated the dedication of Azerbaijan to encouraging cross-cultural discussion and international cooperation.
Azerbaijan is well-positioned to promote intercultural communication and cooperation among nations as a country with a rich cultural history and diversified heritage.
It emphasized its massive cultural diversity and impact on international collaboration and comprehension.
Nizami Ganjavi is a Persian poet. He was also a prominent medieval Islamic literary figure. He was born in Ganja, then part of the Grand Seljuk Empire (now Azerbaijan). He lived and worked there most of his life.
“Layla and Majnun,” “Khosrow and Shirin,” and “Seven Beauty” are among Nizami’s love epics that shaped Persian and international literature. Nizami is widely recognized as one of the finest Persian poets ever. His writings are still revered and studied today.
Also Read: Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister underscores International Cooperation at UN LDC5
Role of New Energy and Transport Corridors in the Eurasian Zone
The Forum featured a panel discussion on “The role of new energy and transport corridors in the Eurasian zone.” It highlighted Azerbaijan’s significant contribution to regional energy security and transportation infrastructure development.
This year’s summit included Nobel laureates, former Heads of State and government, and climate change and AI specialists.
Participants engaged in vibrant debates on such issues as global governance, democracy’s future, and the importance of culture in international relations. Former Georgian Deputy Prime Minister, Eka Tkeshelashvili moderated the discussion.
Former Bulgarian Foreign Minister, Ekaterina Zaharieva emphasized the implications of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on Europe’s energy supply. He complimented Azerbaijan’s assistance in maintaining Bulgaria’s gas supply.
Parviz Shahbazov, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Energy, spoke on Azerbaijan’s role in developing new Eurasia corridors, including intercontinental integration and increasing cooperation in the Caspian region.
Jean Baderschneider, former Vice President of ExxonMobil and Chair of the Global Fund Board to End Modern Slavery, appreciated Azerbaijan’s energy exports and investment prospects.
Ana Birchall, a former vice-Premier of Romania, applauded Azerbaijan’s energy strategy and stressed the value of the two nation’s ties.
Rashad Nabiyev, Minister of Digital Development and Transport, highlighted Azerbaijan’s significance as a transit hub. He stated that the country’s primary focus is improving transportation infrastructure, especially the railway network.
Azim Ibrohim, Tajikistan’s Minister of Transport, spoke on his country’s rapid development of international relations.
Former Kyrgyzstan Prime Minister Djoomart Otorbaev emphasized the predicted growth in trade between China, Central Asia, and Europe.
Bolat Nurgaliyev, Director of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Center for International Policy Research, stressed the importance of gas in Kazakhstan’s potential energy supply. He also discussed the significance of the Trans-Caspian shipping route.
Lazar Comanescu, a former Foreign Minister of Romania and secretary general of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, underscored his country’s commitment to expanding commercial ties with Azerbaijan.
Global Baku Forum
Since 2013, the Global Baku Forum has served as a forum for communication and debate on global concerns. It covers security, energy, culture, and technology issues with Heads of State, government officials, academics, and business executives.
A student of International Relations interested in National Security strategies, with a good focus on Geo-Politics, Foreign Policy, and Public & Cultural Diplomacy.