Taskent, 11 October 2022 (TDI): On the “International Day of the Girl Child”, the government of Uzbekistan shared its initiatives for the protection and promotion of girls’ rights.


11 October has been designated as an International Day of the Girl Child, declared by United Nations. On December 2011, UNGA espoused a resolution to ensure the recognition of girls’ rights.

The resolution also envisioned highlighting the challenges these girls faced around the world. The day draws the world’s attention to the discriminatory practices adopted in various countries against these girls.

The core objective to specify the particular day is to develop the association between the efforts of the people of the world.

The efforts are relevant to girls’ fundamental rights including the right to education, social and political rights, and to provide medical services.

Also read: International Day of the Girl Child 

The government of Uzbekistan lauds its efforts relevant to a particular phenomenon, on its official Twitter account. The tweet indicated that the government has generated all the required conditions to improve the lives of these girls.

The government has ensured that each girl would have access to health and educational facilities. She enjoys the liberty to choose the profession of her choice.

She has been provided with an environment, which is helpful in the identification of her abilities and potential. The government has also facilitated them to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Special Initiatives of the Government of Uzbekistan

In the health sector, the government has taken numerous measures. These initiatives ensured the healthy growth of girls from childhood. It also assisted them to enhance their medical literacy.

Special attention is paid to providing educational facilities to these girls. The government introduced special additional admission quotas for them in higher educational institutions this year.

Additionally, it also launched correspondence courses during the academic year of 2019-20, in 59 higher educational institutions. These courses allowed young girls to get higher education. The opportunity has a special worth for rural girls and women.

The government has also taken specific measures to deal with the problem of early marriage. It has declared 18 years of age as an age of marriage for both men and women.

The government of Uzbekistan has launched systematic work to provide comprehensive support to girls and young women. The official monitoring will be continued to ensure the transparency and effective implementation of the system.

Uzbekistan Girls