Karachi, 15 December 2021 (TDI): Yesterday, the United States of America’s (USA) Consulate in Karachi, celebrated the US reaching a new milestone of donating 300 million covid-19 vaccines around the globe.

The United States has been committed to donating billions of vaccines around the globe to stop the spread of the virus and eliminate it from the world. The goal of the country is to facilitate and provide assistance to all the weak and developing countries in the world.

In December, it accomplished its goal of donating 300 million vaccines, out of which the US has donated almost 2.2 million vaccines to Pakistan in last week.

The country has collaborated with different international organizations to reach its goal. These organizations include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF).

This donation of vaccines is a wider goal of the COVAX Mechanism. A mechanism that was adopted to protect the world and countries from the spread of the coronavirus. This mechanism aspires to increase the manufacturing of Covid-19 vaccines so that a fair share of vaccines is donated to the countries and regions in dire need of it.

Since June 2021, the USA has been donating vaccines to Pakistan, which has helped Pakistan in its Immunization Program. The USA also through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded and supported Pakistan in building the biggest storage center for covid vaccines.

Pakistan and USA

Both the countries Pakistan and USA have been collaborating in various fields such as health, climate, and security. The USA has supported Pakistan in its fight against the pandemic. Both countries are making efforts to fight climate change.

The two countries are trying to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan. Both have over the years tried to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region of South-East Asia.
