Ankara, 20 January 2023 (TDI): The government of Turkiye has condemned the recent terrorist attack in Somalia. Following a press release from the government of Turkiye by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that they totally condemn the incident while also willing a speedy recovery to the affected persons.

The attack took place today, 20 January 2023 when there were serious attacks against the military bases in the Galguduud region of Somalia. The incident has been described by many as very unfortunate for the region and the country.

Also Read: Turkiye, US join forces to combat terrorism

The attack resulted in some people being wounded and are said to have been in critical condition. They are currently receiving medical treatment at the Mogadishu Recep Tayyip Erdogan Training and Research Hospital.

The activities of these groups have been a threat to the region and have constantly been condemned by the international community.

The Foreign Ministry stated that “we condemn this heinous terrorist attacks, which will not hinder Somalia National Army’s determination in its fight against the terrorist organization, in the strongest possible terms.”

Adding to that it expressed on behalf of the Turkish government that “we wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, extend our condolences to the relatives as well as to the friendly and brotherly people and government of Somalia.”

The attack has brought a heavy burden on the government of Somalia. These times are what the whole world is currently facing economic challenges and they are seeking to recover from the global pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia crisis.

There have been several insecurity issues in the country due to the activities of these terrorist organizations. Also joining Turkiye are the United Nations (UN) and other governments to condemn this incident while wishing Somalia a speedy recovery.

Turkiye has stated that they will always stand by Somalia at all times, and they will work hard to support them in the fight against these groups. Their activities in that area have been a threat to the economic and political development of the country.