Tshwane, 20 June 2023 (TDI): Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, hosts Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of Netherlands, and Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, on Tuesday.

The joint meeting between the leaders was held in the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in Tshwane.

The visit focused on ways to increase cooperation between South Africa, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

The delegations were also invited to the business forum to raise their concerns on the accessibility of green hydrogen.

Energy Transition

Denmark and Netherlands are willing to expand the green hydrogen, renewable energy project with South Africa.

South Africa, Denmark, and the Netherlands signed a memorandum of understanding to expand the green hydrogen project.

The agreement for cooperating in energy partnership was signed by DRISCO Minister Naledi Pandor and Danish Ambassador to South Africa Tobias Rehfeld.

Prime Minister Rutte of the Netherlands and acting Minister of Electricity Mondli Gungubele also signed the agreement.

Also Read: Pakistan and Denmark aim to collaborate for Green Future

After the talks on clean energy, Denmark and Netherlands attended a business forum where many private investors were present.

The theme of the Business Forum was “Green Energy Transition and Green Hydrogen Partnerships for Impact.”

Many delegates participated in sessions intending to develop the local population. Round-table sessions were also held.

The CEOs of the Port of Rotterdam, Invest International, and the Gasunie delegation will also attend the Business forum.

The forum stressed the importance of using clean energy and green hydrogen and the need for economic cooperation between the two European countries with South Africa.

Also Read: African Peace Mission Continues

The Russia-Ukraine war was also discussed with South Africa as President Cyril Ramaphosa led a peace mission to Ukraine and Russia.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said to the delegation that negotiation is the only way to build lasting peace and cooperation not only in the Ukraine-Russia conflict but throughout the globe.

Furthermore, after the meeting, both Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, embarked on Namibia to continue their tour.