Washington, D.C., 24 February 2022 (TDI): US Secretary Blinken stated during NBC News interview, “there is still an opportunity to avert major aggression”.

However, he admitted that Russia has strategically positioned its military forces in all Ukraine‘s shared borders. In this way, there is a huge probability for the Federation to engage in major aggression against Ukraine.

Along these lines, the US Secretary of State told interviewer Lester Holt that there is no exact day of the possible aggression. Nonetheless, it seems for him that the round of sanctions didn’t change President Putin for a withdrawal. What Antony Blinken pointed out is that there is still an opportunity to de-escalate tensions.

Unfortunately for the US Secretary, Russia has moved forward many steps ahead of negotiations. In this regard, they are the final stage of executing any plan they have established.

Santionatory Measures Imposed to Russia

However, Blinken mentioned that Russia has been hit hard enough institutionally and financially. In other words, aside from Europe and partners sanctions, Germany has taken off the table Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The latter is an important $11 billion economic-cooperation project.

US Secretary mentioned that the Russian administration received great harm due to the sanctions applied to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
US Secretary mentioned that the Russian administration received great harm due to the sanctions applied to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Furthermore, Secretary Blinken highlighted that they will continue as far as Russia goes. In this line, he mentioned, “if sanctions don’t stop President Putin, we’ve made very clear along with all of our allies and partners that there will be massive consequences.”

On the other hand, when interviewer Lester asked Secretary Blinken about what will signify if Ukraine becomes part of Russia. Antony Blinked answered by specifying they will reinforce the NATO mandate. Therefore, “all our allies and partners will be protected,” he added.

In addition, it is important to note that US Secretary Blinken already started working on their allies’ reassurance. For that reason, the US government is doubling down its assistance to Ukraine itself to provide international and national security. Also by strengthening diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian support.