Motherhood is a magnificent experience characterized by unrelenting devotion, undying love, and an unshakeable desire to protect and nurture. Mazen Schools Quaid Campus Islamabad recently hosted a remarkable event on Mother’s Day. The agenda focused on the mental health of mothers and its impact on their children’s well-being.

Mehak Nawaz, a psychologist and mental health specialist, conducted a session during the event, emphasizing the critical link between a mother’s mental well-being and her child’s mental health.

conduct of a session on the mental health of children
Conduct a session on the mental health of children

Nawaz highlighted the necessity for transformation toward a journey of self-discovery and healing. She stressed the need to obtain the advice of a clinical mental health practitioner who can assist in peeling back the layers of trauma and anxiety that have accumulated over time. Through counseling, a woman can learn the importance of self-care and self-compassion to be the most excellent version of herself for her child.

She also mentioned that fostering a mother’s emotional health directly impacts a child’s well-being. Women who put self-care first become more resilient, encourage a happy home where their relationships with their kids are strengthened, and enhance their own resilience. In addition, she underlined that moms should reject societal expectations and accept that their mental health matters.

Children's mental health psychologist Mehak Nawaz
Children’s mental health psychologist Mehak Nawaz

Principal Amna Shabbir emphasized the importance of school in a child’s well-being. She noted that the school is essential in building child mental health by creating a supportive and nurturing atmosphere for students. Students and their families receive instruction on the worth of mental and emotional health and where to find assistance in schools.

She also stated that schools must increase awareness, lessen stigma, and equip students to care for their mental health by incorporating mental health education into the curriculum.

Shabbir further mentioned that teachers and other school personnel are frequently the first to spot indications of anxiety or mental health problems in students. Schools can identify students who require further assistance and connect them to qualified specialists for evaluation and intervention by being trained to detect these symptoms.

Principal Amna additionally pointed out the necessity of hiring a mental health specialist for a school. Counselors or psychologists must be present in schools to provide pupils with counseling services. These specialists can give individual or group treatment, conduct assessments, and build intervention strategies to address specific mental health difficulties.

Principal Amna Shabbir emphasizes parent-teacher communication
Principal Amna Shabbir emphasizes parent-teacher communication.

The availability of these services in the school context guarantees that children receive prompt assistance. A good school cultivates a welcoming environment that supports mental health. Schools help students develop emotionally and socially by promoting a sense of belonging, promoting healthy relationships, and addressing problems like bullying.

The principal further stated that it is the responsibility of a principal to establish effective communication channels between teachers and parents. Parents should be informed of their child’s development, challenges, and teacher concerns through regular updates, parent-teacher conferences, and open communication channels.

These activities encourage parental involvement in school activities and events, which helps to enhance the link between parents and their children. They also enable them to assist their child’s well-being and academic advancement properly.

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Mazen Schools Directress Atika Farid placed a strong emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. According to her, SEL programs give students crucial skills for regulating emotions, establishing resilience, and developing healthy relationships. By incorporating these programs into the curriculum, schools can provide children with the tools to deal with issues, deal with stress, and succeed academically and personally.

Additionally, mothers had the chance to speak about the education system with their past experiences, including their impact on their mental health, the mental health of their juniors, societal pressures, and relationships with their kids. By sharing their experiences, the women warriors aspired to uplift other struggling mothers stuck in a destructive cycle of negativity.

Seminar Attendee Mothers
Seminar Attendee Mothers

Mothers talked about the burden of societal pressures. According to them, when women become mothers, society bombards them with expectations and judgments. They are constantly targeted with pictures of “perfect” mothers and their “perfect” children, which leads them to believe that anything less is unacceptable. These requirements create a toxic environment, leaving mothers feeling inadequate and nervous as they strive to fulfill unrealistic standards.

Some mothers also acknowledged the distance in their relationships. Relationships can quickly deteriorate in today’s quick-paced environment. Work commitments, family responsibilities, and social norms can strain a mother’s relationship with her child.

Unfortunately, in certain situations, destructive family dynamics and external pressures can disrupt this intimate relationship, resulting in profound implications for the mother and child. This gap can have a significant influence on a child’s mental health. When a child feels emotionally distanced from their mother, it can lead to feelings of abandonment, low self-esteem, and even melancholy.

Illustration: Nothing compares to mother-daughter bonds.
Illustration: Nothing compares to mother-daughter bonds.

Mothers also pointed out the aftereffects of earlier trauma. According to them, Unfortunately, many of us have gone through painful experiences, particularly in our personal lives. Bullying, prejudice, and other traumatic situations can leave deep psychological scars.

Mothers often unintentionally pass on their anguish to their children by carrying these wounds with them. They should realize the significance of recovering from past traumas while creating a safe and supportive environment for our children to grow.

Furthermore, mothers also commented that our society stresses physical health over mental health, frequently neglecting that the two are inextricably linked. A healthy body depends on a healthy mind when women ignore their mental health risks and submit themselves and their children to a life filled with negativity, self-doubt, and emotional pain.

They inspired other mothers by stating, “we have the power to break the negativity surrounding us. Recognizing the significance of our mental health is the first step. Self-care is necessary, not selfish. If we care for ourselves first, we can provide a more nurturing atmosphere for our children’s emotional development.”

A Mother-Teacher Family Picture
A Mother-Teacher Family Picture

Although motherhood is a joyful experience, it is not without challenges. Recognizing the value of fostering our children’s well-being is crucial in a society where negativity can endanger our and their mental health.

Mothers must prioritize open communication with their children. Encouraging kids to communicate their feelings without judgment gives a secure space for them to share their problems and worries. Building a healthy relationship with our kids and fostering their mental health requires active listening and empathy.

Illustration: Mother is first companion of her child
Illustration: Mother is first companion of her child

Mothers and children must cultivate a cheerful attitude. They can combat negativity by focusing on appreciation, self-love, and resilience. Teaching their children to accept their unique qualities, appreciate their strengths, and learn from their mistakes equips them to face life’s problems boldly and gracefully.

Mothers can give their children a better future by breaking free from societal constraints, establishing healthy connections, healing from previous traumas, and prioritizing mental health.