Santiago, 26 November 2022 (TDI): Chile’s Presidential Palace “Palacio de La Moneda” turned purple to observe the day of the eradication of violence against women.

The international day for the eradication of violence against women is observed every year on 25 November.

Violence against women and girls is a serious crime and the government of Chile is advancing toward laws on violence against women.

The laws to protect and free women and girls from violence is the priority area for the government and administration of Chile. The government is promoting concrete measures to strengthen the laws on violent acts and treatment against women.

Chile’s advancing towards Comprehensive Law

Violence against women is a social problem and needs to be dealt with at a societal level. Chile’s government is promoting a campaign with the hashtag “SíEsMiProblema” which translates to “YesIsMyProblem”.

This depicts violence against women as a problem of the society that all are part of. This campaign is initiated by the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality for the prevention of violence.

The Ministry has also been updating the “National Action Plan Against Violence towards Women 2018-2030”.

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This articulates the joint effort and action of state and civil society to promote a life free of women and prevent gender-based violence. This could be achieved by access to justice, information, and knowledge without gender-biased behavior.

Moreover, the laws will also strengthen National Service for Women and Gender Equity Genre (SernamEG). This will create more resources and directives for women’s assistance.

This will establish two Centers for Sexual Violence and a Shelter for Human Trafficking. The professional teams at the centers will be responsible for taking care of the women/girls in need.

The Government and Ministries have reaffirmed their commitment to freeing their society from the evil of gender-based violence through proper laws and mechanisms.

