Islamabad, 4 March 2022 (TDI): Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood received the Special Envoy of the OIC Secretary-General on Afghanistan, Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet.

The OIC Special Envoy is on an official visit to Pakistan subsequent to his appointment as Special Envoy on Afghanistan during the 17th Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (OIC-CFM), held in Islamabad, on 19 December 2021.

Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet lauded the dedicated support extended to him by Pakistan since he assumed the role of Special Envoy of OIC. During the meeting, the Ambassador apprised Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary about his efforts for Afghanistan.

Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood received the Special Envoy of the OIC Secretary-General on Afghanistan, Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet.
Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood received the Special Envoy of the OIC Secretary-General on Afghanistan, Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet.

Ever since taking charge, he has been working to enlist global support to avert the serious humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the Special Envoy articulated that the OIC’s leadership on this crucial problem was being widely recognized globally.

In the same vein, Ambassador Tarig reaffirmed his emphatic commitment to persist in working with the OIC Member States as well as Afghanistan’s global partners to assure well-being and prosperity for the people of Afghanistan.

Whilst the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan warmly welcomed the Envoy. Moreover, he assured Pakistan’s full support in the fulfillment of Ambassador Tarig’s mandate. Foreign Secretary, Sohail Mahmood further highlighted the need to maintain the momentum generated during the 17th Extraordinary Session in Islamabad.

Sohail Mahmood noted that early operationalization of the OIC’s Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund, productive engagement with Afghanistan and its global partners, and strengthening of the OIC Mission in Kabul, was vital to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

Also, it is imperative that the people of Afghanistan be provided with sustainable economic opportunities. The Foreign Secretary of Pakistan emphasized that Pakistan was looking forward to the Special Envoy’s Report to the upcoming 48th session of the OIC.

The 48th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers is scheduled for 22-23 March 2022. It will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan.