London, 12 April 2023 (TDI): The initial reports on deadly airstrikes in the Sagaing region by the Myanmar Airforce on 11th April 2023 are horrifying. Unlawful attacks on civilians, and destroying homes are the trademark of the Myanmar military to still fear in the population, said Amnesty International’s Business and Human Rights researcher Monte Ferrer.

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Continued attacks across the country in which civilians bear heavy costs highlight the need to suspend the import of aviation fuel that might end up in the hands of the Myanmar Airforce.

The Myanmar military is violating international law and war crimes and the supply chain of aviation fuel results in encouraging more attacks on innocent civilians, he further stated.

The airstrikes have taken place just ahead of the second anniversary of ASEAN’s five-point consensus on Myanmar. The air attack on civilians highlights the fact that the consensus has failed to stop unlawful attacks on civilians.

ASEAN should take concrete steps to stop unlawful and horrific attacks by the military Junta. The Security Council should refer the situation to the International Criminal Court and take effective measures to hold the Myanmar military accountable, urged Amnesty International.

The airstrikes on a village in Kanbulu township yesterday claimed the lives of an unknown number of people including children.

Since the military coup on 1 February 2022, the people of the country have been subject to widespread human rights violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

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In 2022 Amnesty International called on the states and businesses to not supply aviation fuel to the country’s military.

The same year Amnesty International identified companies involved in supplying aviation fuel to the Myanmar military.

Canada, the United Kingdom, the US, and European Union imposed sanctions on Myanmar targeting individuals and companies across the supply chain.