Naypyidaw, 12 April 2023 (TDI): Ministry of Defense of Myanmar has profoundly cleared that the terrorist military launched an airstrike on Pazigyee Village, Kantbalu Township, Sagain Region on April 11, 2023.

As a result, dozens of innocent bystanders, including children and pregnant women, are killed or injured.

The military junta bombarded Kant Balu Township Sagaing which results in the killing of 53 individuals and 20 wounded. The world community must intervene fast to support people in ending the cruelty of the military.

The Ministry of Defence of Myanmar consoled families of the dead and injured and shared the anguish felt by the families suffering through this tragedy.

This horrible conduct by the terrorist military is just another example of their indiscriminate use of lethal force against defenseless people, which is a war crime.

Read more: Norway highlights women’s rights crisis in Myanmar at UN briefing

Ministry of Defence firmly condemns any terrorist activities against the people of Myanmar, including today’s atrocity, and underlines our commitment to delivering the victims’ justice.

Myanmar must end military coups and remove the military dictatorship to create a stable and peaceful society.

The Defence Ministry is committed to this goal and assures the public that our citizens’ sacrifices will never be in vain.

We shall make every effort to achieve our goal of making Myanmar a safer and more prosperous place for everybody.

A witness told The Associated Press that a fighter jet dropped bombs directly into a crowd of people gathering at 8 a.m. for the opening of a local office of the country’s opposition movement.

The area is about 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Mandalay, the country’s second-largest city.

About 150 people had arrived for the inaugural ceremony, including most women, 20-30 children, and leaders of locally established anti-government armed groups.

The reported airstrikes in Pazigyee Village signal a concerning escalation of violence in region, further highlighting the urgent need for establishing peace in country.