Ramallah, 18 March 2024 (TDI): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Palestine strongly condemned the actions of extremist colonial organizations and associations to establish a new settlement outpost.

The colonialist agenda is to expand the settlement at the expense of citizens’ lands located between the villages of Al-Laban Al-Gharbi, Rantis, and Deir Ballut, west of Ramallah.

By doing so, they intend to deepen settlement in the central West Bank and Judaize the entire region within what has become known as the “Ariel Triangle.”

In addition, the Ministry also strongly criticized the assaults and attacks by the colonialist militias and their armed terrorist elements on all areas in Masafer Yatta.

Also read: Palestine condemns escalating violence & crimes in Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem

It must be noted that these attacks have escalated daily since the start of the Israeli aggression against the people of Palestine in an unprecedented encroachment on citizens’ lands to completely control them and displace them.

Moreover, the roles of the occupation army complement the colonialists by shooting at Palestinian citizens. The colonialists play the role of the extremists and continue to attack the citizens. They throw stones at them and constantly sabotage their crops.

This is in addition to the open war of occupation against all forms of Palestinian presence in all areas classified as (C), including the Jordan Valley and the Bedouin communities spread throughout it.

In a statement, the Palestinian Ministry enunciated that international failure to implement Resolution 2334 encourages the colonialist militias.

Moreover, those behind them from the political echelon in Israel, such as Smotrich and Ben Gvir, continue committing more violations, oppression, and abuse against the Palestinians.

They have been stealing more of the Palestinian lands to allocate them for the benefit of settlements, as per official Israeli policy that aims to introduce deeper changes to the historical, political, legal, and demographic reality of the occupied West Bank.

Such actions are difficult to overcome in any future negotiations and, as a result, undermine any opportunity to implement the principle of a two-state solution.

The Ministry also called for developing the sanctions imposed by several countries on some random outposts that are used as bases for terrorism and on several extremist colonialists.

Palestine also urged to impose deterrent sanctions on the settler-colonial occupation system and force the occupying state to stop settlement, dismantle the colonialist militias, disarm them, dry up their sources of funding, and lift political and legal protection.

Settlements are a direct and dangerous threat to the opportunity to revive the peace process and achieve political solutions to the conflict.

Also read: Palestine condemns restrictions on Al-Aqsa Prayers during Ramadan

Masafer Yatta

I'm a detail-oriented, problem-solving, persistent multitasker. Having a magna cum laude MSc. in Strategic Studies from National Defense University, Pakistan, I believe in peaceful discourse & dialogue and have built my interest in nontraditional security threats.

I am an experienced writer with a primary focus on public policy, environmental security, nuclear strategy, and geopolitics!