Kuala Lumpur, 1 November 2021 (TDI): Malaysia strongly condemned Israel’s latest decision to create more settlements. It called on the international community to pressurize Israel so that it stops illegal activities and violations of human rights. Previously Jordan also condemned the atrocities committed by Israel on the hapless Palestinians.
According to the latest report, Israel will construct 3000 new settlement units in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The illegal settlements involve the confiscation of Palestinian land and property. Such acts are a clear violation of international law under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949. It violates the United Nations Security Council resolutions, in particular Resolution 2334.
The human rights and international law violations must end and Israel must be held accountable. The apartheid policies of Israel in Occupied Palestinian Territory, are depriving the Palestinians of their homeland. The forceful evictions, demolition of homes, and intransigence are unacceptable. A durable and comprehensive peaceful resolution to the Palestine-Israel conflict must be implemented.
Malaysia reaffirmed its steadfast support for the Palestinian cause. The country declared that it will actively pursue the agenda to materialize the freedom of the Palestinian peoples and their independent State of Palestine.
I'm a detail-oriented, problem-solving, persistent multitasker. Having a magna cum laude MSc. in Strategic Studies from National Defense University, Pakistan, I believe in peaceful discourse & dialogue and have built my interest in nontraditional security threats.
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