Amman, 31 January 2022 (TDI): Abd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Hāshimī, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, turned 60 years on yesterday. He, better known as King Abdullah II, sent a grateful message to Jordan population for their unconditional support.


Along these lines, King Abdullah II is a member of the Hashemite dynasty. He, son of Ḥusayn ibn Ṭalāl, is considered to be a direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad. King Abdullah served as a Crown Prince from a child to become what is now, the father of economic and social modernization.

King Abdullah II received his education in Great Britain and the US. That is why he graduated from the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, England. Not to mention he later served in Britain and Jordan’s special forces.

Consequently, after his father died, Abdullah became King of Jordan on June 9, 1999. In this way, he continued his father’s projects and policies but upgrade the modernization in the kingdom.

King Abdullah II: Outstanding Performance in the region lead

That is why during his reign, King Abdullah II supported the US to combat terrorism and its effort to prevent Iraq from chaos. In addition, he committed to the Palestinian cause and backed the two-state solution in peace negotiations.

In this regard, Abdullah implemented the modernization of the armed forces. Especially to face efficiently the upcoming regional challenges. Those are the Syrian Civil War and the Al-Qaeda attacks in Jordan in 2005. Not to mention the beginning of the ISIL activities.

For these reasons, King Abdullah II assumed regional leadership. Regarding this, Jordan became one of the largest refugee protection settlements. In addition to the promotion of economic and social innovation by the King to introduce market reforms and women initiatives.

Furthermore, the King of Jordan is internationally recognized for keeping Jordan and the region stable. Besides, he is well known for enforcing the interfaith dialogue through a better understanding of Islam.

That is how he received the award for the most influential Muslim in the world in 2016. This is sponsored by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre.

King’s letter for his 60th birthday

On the other hand, King Abdullah II sent an emotional message to Jordanians. First, he expressed his great aspirations for Jordan’s future with a transversal national vision. He also mentioned Jordan’s strengths and weaknesses to achieve high-quality opportunities for all Jordanians.

Besides that, Jordan’s King also directed the message to the Royal Hashemite Court. In that way, he pointed out the importance of implementing national workshops that brings together economic experts. Especially those with expertise in intergovernmental projects to devise a comprehensive roadmap for the State.

Likewise, King Abdullah II highlighted the idea of guaranteeing Jordan’s sustainable, comprehensive growth that doubles job opportunities. Not to mention to expand the middle class and improve citizens’ live conditions.

Similarly, the King stressed the need to continue with the already achieved progress. In other words, to avoid redrafting plans and strategies to replace one another. He said that it is important to establish interlinked decisions at the governmental level.

“We begin the first year in the second centennial of our state, determined to build on the accomplishments of our ancestors and continue on the path of development, overcoming the challenges facing us with unrelenting resolve, a strong will, sound institutional planning, and a clear vision,” the King added in the letter.

King Abdullah II received birthday cables

On the other side, Jordan’s King received congratulations cables on the occasion of his 60th birthday. From senior officers to officers agencies, and representatives of civil society organizations, all of them thanked Abdullah II.

In particular, they pointed out the King’s ongoing efforts to enhance Jordan’s institution to the already started social and economic modernization.

In brief, they shared King Abdullah II‘s vision to a strong Jordan playing a pivotal role in the region and the world. That is why they mentioned they trust the King’s leadership and commitment to Arab and Islamic causes.