Amman, 31 December 2021 (TDI): Jordan, Germany, and the EU signed a millionaire development agreement for 86 million Euros. After a signing ceremony, the Jordan Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation agreed on 4 deals with its counterparts.
The offer came from the German government and the EU; the latter through the German Development Bank (KfW) involvement. Besides, the grant agreements are related to water, sanitation, and educational improvements.
Agreement’s General Information
The projects will contribute to realizing strategic targets at the sectoral level. In other words, the accords aim to close current branches in the institutional levels of the aforementioned problems to increase the high quality of the services.
That is why the initiatives are in line with the government’s executive program for 2021-2024.
In addition, the allocation of resources for these initiatives is distributed by stages because all the agreements are interconnected.
Therefore, Nasser Shraideh and Mohammad Najjar, Ministers of Planning and Water Sanitation, respectively, adhered to the terms of the agreement. They specify that the first agreement will have 20 million Euros, the second with 25 million, the third with 29.4 million and the last with 12 million euros.
Agreement’s in-depth Details
Along these lines, the first agreement refers to financing a 10th stage project regarding water supplies and sanitation services enhancement. Moreover, the second appoints to connect over 80,000 houses to the sanitation network. It entails using treated wastewater for agriculture purposes.
The third agreement seeks to support Syrian refugees in Jordan by developing efficient sanitation services. Likewise, for the fourth and final agreement, the project management aims to reform the institutional process of the Education sector. The United Nations Office for Project Services will support the last project, being responsible for its execution.
In short, Jordan, Germany, and the EU, through the German Development Bank, continue to work together to serve their best interests. So, in the words of Jordan’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, “the assistance of the two sides has contributed to the implementation of several priority plans.”
“Besides, I thank their offer to meet the needs of local communities hosting Syrian refugees”, Nasser Shraideh added.