Islamabad, 3 March 2023 (TDI): Asid Kusuma Atmaja and Yunus, two Indonesian cyclists, set off on bicycles from Indonesia in August 2022 to embark on a long-awaited spiritual pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah in order to promote kindness, tolerance, and peace.
They flew to Pakistan after riding bicycles through five nations: Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Singapore, and Bangladesh. To get a visa for their next stop, Oman, they are staying on the grounds of the Indonesian Embassy in Pakistan.
They have plans to travel to Makkah through the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. The bikers were greeted by the Indonesian Ambassador to Pakistan, Adam Tugio who wished them a safe journey on their special adventure to Makkah.
The visiting cyclists are touring Islamabad on bicycles while flying the flags of Indonesia, Pakistan, and other visited countries. Their aim is to demonstrate the love and comradery between all sister nations and other visited countries.
The Pakistani people welcomed them with open arms and expressed great admiration for their bravery. Asid Kusuma Atmaina stated, “This is my first International tour on a cycle.
The motivation behind starting this journey was pure love and devotion for the supreme power of this world, which is Allah, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)”.
Also read: World Bicycle Day 2022
It is pertinent to note that on their arduous voyage, Asid and Yunus faced numerous obstacles, including problems with their visas, harsh weather, language barriers, and security worries.
Sometimes they set up camp on the side of the road, other times they slept inside mosques because it was too chilly outside. They claimed that these difficulties have only strengthened them and increased their resolve to accomplish their objectives.
Yunus revealed that since his undergraduate days, he has been longing for this expedition. The two have millions of people from over the world liking and enjoying their videos on TikTok.
They seek to inspire young people to achieve great things in life and leave a legacy behind by sharing their journey through little videos.
Hajj 2023
The Hajj in 2023 will start at the end of June. Muslims from all across the travel to Makkah annually as part of the Islamic pilgrimage.
The Hajj takes place in the Islamic calendar’s 12th month; Dhul-Hijjah. The lunar year—which is shorter than the Gregorian year—is the basis for the Islamic calendar.
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