New Delhi, 3 March 2023 (TDI): Chinese Foreign Minister. Qin Gang strongly refuted allegations that the Chinese Embassy in Canada attempted to interfere in Canada’s elections.

During a meeting with his Canadian counterpart, Melanie Joly, on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in India, Qin expressed China’s firm opposition to such claims, describing them as groundless.

Qin stressed that “China has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and opposes such attempts by any country.”

He further stated, “China’s Embassy in Canada has always adhered to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and is committed to promoting bilateral relations between China and Canada, as well as exchanges and cooperation in various fields.”

In addition, Qin called on the Canadian side to take concrete measures to ensure the smooth operation of Chinese diplomatic missions in Canada and prevent rumors and hype from damaging the relationship between the two countries.

Thus, he reiterated that maintaining healthy and stable bilateral ties is in the interests of both China and Canada, and requires mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.

The meeting between the Chinese and Canadian Foreign Ministers took place against the backdrop of a tense relationship between the two countries.

Their relationship had been strained by a range of issues, including the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou and China’s handling of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

However, both sides expressed a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards improving bilateral relations during the meeting.

Also read: China calls for increased collaboration among G20 Members

Overall, Qin’s remarks reflect China’s commitment to upholding the principles of diplomacy and promoting cooperation with Canada based on mutual respect and equality.

As China continues to play an increasingly important role in the global arena, maintaining positive relationships with its partners will be crucial to achieving its goals and promoting peace and stability in the world.