On Monday, December 30, 1996, at 11:34 a.m., the Council meeting began, which ended at 11:39 a.m. after a six-minute meeting. The President reiterated his full support for the UN Special Commission during the meeting.

In connection with the disposal of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, the Security Council expressed its disapproval of the Iraqi government’s attempt to prevent 130 missile engines from being removed from the country for examination by international experts as an essential part of Resolution 687 (1991).

As represented by its President, Francesco Paolo Fulci (Italy), the Council said that Iraq must allow the Special Commission to remove missile engines from its territory.

A thorough accounting of Iraq’s missiles with ranges exceeding 150 kilometres was needed before the Special Commission could conclude that Iraq had complied with the criteria of Section C of Council Resolution 687. (1991).

The Council expressed its appreciation and its active support for the special commission’s mandate when the Member States allow it access to their national facilities.

In Section C of Resolution 687, Iraq is required to destroy, dismantle, or render harmless all chemical, biological, and missile weapons with a range of more than 150 kilometres.

Furthermore, the Iraqi government would agree to refrain from developing or acquiring nuclear weapons. The following is stated in the statement in document S/PRST/1996/49:

Concerning Security Council Press Release SC/6308 3729th Meeting (AM), December 30, 1996, Concerning the Agreement Reached Between the Security Council and the Iraqi Government.

Previously, the Iraqi government and the Special Commission agreed that investigating unilateral destruction of forbidden objects was crucial to verifying Iraqi claims.

In this context, the Council is deeply disturbed by Iraq’s refusal to allow a team of foreign specialists from the Special Commission to inspect roughly 130 missile engines in Iraq.

Such acts are within the remit of the significant commission, the Council observed. For the Security Council to certify that Iraq has complied with Section C of Resolution 687, Iraq’s missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres must be properly accounted for (1991).

Various investigative teams are being assigned to Iraq and other countries to study key points, as the Special Commission intends to perform extensive inspections and analyses in the missile domain.

Accordingly, the Security Council calls on the Government of Iraq to adhere to relevant resolutions and cooperate fully with the Special Commission to effectively report to the Security Council that Section C of Resolution 687 (1991) has been met.

Therefore, the Council stresses the importance of Iraq allowing the Special Commission to remove missile engines from its soil.

The Council welcomes any proposal from member states to offer their national facilities to the Special Commission if and when the Commission deems it necessary.

In accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions, the Security Council affirms its total support for the Special Commission. UNSCOM’s rights and executive privileges are reaffirmed in the Council’s earlier relevant resolutions, notably Resolutions 687 (1991), 707 (1991), and 715 (1991).

Security Council