Manila, 19 April 2023 (TDI): Australian Trade Minister, Don Farrell, will do a working visit to the Philippines from April 20 to April 25, 2023, following his tour to Vietnam.

His visit is set to meet with many officials in the Philippines including, Secretary of Trade and Industry, Alfredo E. Pascual, Secretary of National Economic and Development Authority, Arsenio M. Balisacan, and Secretary of Finance, Benjamin E. Diokno.

He will discuss common concerns, including both nations’ desire for strengthening bilateral relations in commerce and investment.

Minister Farrell’s visit to the Philippines is the third by an Australian government official in 2023.

This visit aims to strengthen economic ties and enhance bilateral trade and investment between the two nations.

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The visit is likely to create opportunities for collaboration in trade and investment, as well as discussions on cooperation in various sectors such as education, agriculture, mining, and tourism.

During the visit, the Australian Trade Minister is expected to meet with senior Philippine government officials, business leaders, and industry representatives to explore the potential for deepening trade relations between Australia and the Philippines.

The Minister may also engage with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and other business organizations, to discuss ways to boost trade and investment flows.

There will also be a focus on the negotiation of the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.

Furthermore, the visit may lead to the identification of potential investment opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy, infrastructure, and tourism.

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The Minister may also visit several Australian companies that already have a presence in the Philippines, to explore ways to expand their business operations.

Aside from trade and investment discussions, the visit may also cover cooperation in education, defense, and people-to-people links.

Moreover, talks on enhancing defense cooperation between the two countries are anticipated, given the shared geopolitical interests in the region.

Overall, the Minister’s visit to the Philippines is an excellent opportunity for both countries to strengthen their partnership, enhance their economic ties, and explore mutually beneficial growth opportunities.

The visit is expected to further elevate the already substantial commercial and economic ties that already exist between the two countries, and lead to a stronger and more equitable partnership for the years to come.

This year, the Philippines and Australia mark 77 years of friendship, demonstrating strong and comprehensive collaboration in a variety of fields.