Washington DC, 27 January 2023 (TDI): Secretary of State of the United States (US), Antony Blinken will travel to Egypt, Israel, and West Bank from January 29-31 to meet with partners on a range of global and regional challenges.

During the visit, Secretary Antony Blinken will discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Iran, and Israel-Palestinian relations and preserve the two-state solutions as well as the protection of human rights and democratic values in the region.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Cairo, Egypt from 29-30 January, where he will meet with President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and senior Egyptian officials. 

During the visits, the Secretary will discuss the US-Egypt strategic partnership and promote peace and security in the region, including through shared support for elections in Libya and the ongoing Sudanese-led political process.

Israel and Palestine

Antony Blinken then will travel to Jerusalem and Ramallah from January 30-31. In Israel, he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, and other senior leaders to discuss the enduring US support for Israel.

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Furthermore, he will also discuss Israel’s deepening integration into the region, Israel and Palestinian relations along with the importance of a two-state solution, and the range of other global and regional challenges.

In the West Bank, the Secretary will meet with Palestinian Authority’s (PA) President, Mahmoud Abbas, and other senior PA officials to discuss Israeli-Palestinian relations.

He will discuss the importance of a two-state solution, political reforms, and further strengthening the US relationship with the Palestinian people and leadership.

With both Israeli and Palestinian leaders, the Secretary will underscore the urgent need for the parties to take steps to de-escalate tensions in order to put an end to the cycle of violence that has claimed too many innocent lives.

He also will discuss the importance of upholding the historic status quo of the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in words and in actions.

The Secretary will also engage with civil society throughout the trip to underscore our commitment to human rights, support for civil society, and the enduring importance of people-to-people ties.