Islamabad, 20 March 2023 (TDI): On his arrival in Moscow on the afternoon of March 20, President of China, Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin.

When President Xi arrived at the Kremlin, he was received at the alighting point by the Kremlin Commandant. President Putin and President Xi exchanged cordial handshakes and photos.

The two Presidents had an in-depth and open discussion about China-Russia relations and shared interests. President Xi stated that he was delighted to return to Russia at President Putin’s invitation.

Russia was his first stop after being elected President eleven years ago. Those memories are still vivid today. He and President Putin have maintained close contact over the last ten years.

President Xi thanked President Putin for instantly sending him congratulations on his reelection as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the 20th CPC National Congress, as well as his recent reelection as Chinese President.

He added that Russia will hold presidential elections next year, and that Russia has made significant progress in development and rejuvenation under President Putin’s strong leadership.

President Xi expressed confidence that the Russian people will continue to back President Putin. He further emphasised that the China-Russia relationship has a deep historical logic that has led to where it is today.

China and Russia are each other’s most important neighbours and strategic coordinating partners. Both countries place a great value on their relationship in their overall diplomacy and foreign policy.

China has traditionally maintained an independent foreign policy. Consolidating and developing China-Russia relations is a strategic decision made by China based on its own fundamental interests and global trends.

China is steadfast in its commitment to improving strategic collaboration with Russia. China and Russia are both committed to achieving national growth and rejuvenation, as well as supporting global multipolarity and working for greater democracy in international relations.

To improve their respective national growth and rejuvenation, as well as to be a bulwark for international peace and stability, the two countries should deepen practical cooperation in numerous fields and strengthen coordination and collaboration on multilateral forums such as the UN.

President Putin greeted President Xi warmly for his state visit to Russia and congratulated him on his reelection as Chinese President.

President Putin stated that China has made excellent and significant progress in all areas of growth during the last ten years.

This is due to President Xi’s great leadership and demonstrates the strength of China’s national political system and governance system.

He was certain that, under President Xi’s strong leadership, China would continue to develop and flourish, achieving all of the great goals that had been established.

Russia-China ties have yielded positive achievements in a variety of areas in recent years, thanks to joint efforts on both sides.

Russia is prepared to enhance bilateral practical cooperation, increase communication and collaboration in international issues, and promote global multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations.

The two sides conducted an in-depth discussion about the Ukrainian situation. President Xi emphasised that on the Ukraine problem, voices for peace and reason are growing.

Most countries advocate de-escalation, peace discussions, and oppose throwing gasoline to the fire. History demonstrates that problems must be resolved via communication and negotiation in the end.

China issued a statement on its stance on the Ukraine situation, urging for a political solution and condemning Cold War mentalities and unilateral sanctions.

China thinks that the bigger the hardships, the greater the necessity to preserve room for peace. The more serious the problem, the more critical it is not to abandon efforts for communication.

China will continue to play a positive role in encouraging a political solution to the Ukraine crisis. President Putin stated that Russia respects China’s persistent impartial, objective, and balanced stance on major international issues, as well as its support for fairness and justice.

Russia has attentively examined China’s position paper on the political resolution of the Ukraine issue and is willing to engage in peace negotiations. Russia welcomes China’s constructive participation in this regard.

The two Presidents stated that they were looking forward to holding official meetings the following day to develop a new blueprint for a China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation in the coming years.