Islamabad, 10 September 2022 (TDI): Two shipments containing urgently required emergency medical supplies and equipment landed in Karachi, Pakistan, today. The shipment has been airlifted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The aid has been provided in response to severe shortages in the country. Pakistan was devastated by the most widespread floods in recent memory. Consequently, it is in dire need of humanitarian assistance to tackle the aftermath of the natural calamity.

The shipment includes 15.6 metric tonnes of cholera kits, water, and versatile tents that can serve as medical tents.

With the help of Dubai’s government and the International Humanitarian City, the supplies, with a total estimated value of US$174,816, were transferred to Pakistan.

The Government of Dubai along with the International Humanitarian City built an airbridge connecting the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan. This airbridge is currently fully operational, and several flights have already landed in Pakistan.

Millions of people in Pakistan have been adversely affected by the floods. According to Dr. Palitha Mahipala, WHO Representative in Pakistan, WHO is currently collaborating with the national authorities to help the victims.

WHO provides medical supplies to Pakistan amid floods
WHO provides medical supplies to Pakistan amid floods

Along these lines, it is collaboration to guarantee access to medical care and supplies, reduce the risk of disease outbreaks, coordinate the response to fill critical gaps, and prepare for any worsening of the situation over the coming weeks.

“Thanks to the Government of Dubai, the International Humanitarian City & WHO’s logistic hub in Dubai, this critical shipment is arriving at an opportune time & will be immensely useful in helping to strengthen essential health services & control the spread of disease, especially in displaced person camps lacking safe water and sanitary conditions.”

The scope of the humanitarian disaster in Pakistan’s flood-stricken areas is unprecedented. Approximately 33 million people have been affected.

Moreover, over 1 million homes were damaged or destroyed, over 600,000 people were internally displaced in camps, and over 1460 health institutions were devastated.

The health risks are severe, putting the most vulnerable people, particularly women and children, at heightened risk of illnesses like cholera, acute respiratory infections, dengue fever, malaria, and typhoid.

The above-mentioned diseases have already been documented in flood-affected areas.
In this context, WHO is playing a leading role in the health response, providing guidance and health interventions on all fronts.

Likewise, it is focusing on the current health impact of floods while stepping up preparedness for the additional health risks expected to emerge.

This is done in close coordination with the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination, the National Institute of Health, and partners.

Medical Supplies

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