WFP delivers vital food aid to Gaza

WFP Delivers Vital Food Aid in Gaza
Israel Gaza Crisis

New York, 12 October 2023 (TDI): In response to escalating conflict, food distributions have begun in Gaza and the West Bank to address urgent needs, with nearly 264,000 people displaced in Gaza. Widespread aid efforts aim to alleviate the growing humanitarian crisis in the region.

Following a surge in conflict, the World Food Programme (WFP) swiftly launched an emergency operation, delivering essential food supplies including fresh bread, canned, and ready-to-eat food to 100,000 individuals in UN shelters in Gaza. The initiative, catering to over 800,000 people, serves as a vital food lifeline during this crisis.

Samer Abdeljaber, WFP Palestine Country Director, expressed deep concern about the devastating situation in Gaza and West Bank. WFP is actively providing essential support to displaced individuals and those in shelters, ensuring they receive necessary food aid.

The assistance includes electronic vouchers, enabling people to purchase food from functioning shops, and ensuring continued access to essential supplies.

Also Read: Israel intensifies assault on Gaza

The WFP expresses deep concern over the worsening situation in Israel and Palestine, particularly the dire impact on civilians amid the conflict. Several shops distributing WFP assistance have also been destroyed, highlighting the critical need for support.

Abdeljaber, emphasized the urgent need for sustained support, stating that food supplies and essential resources in Gaza are depleting rapidly. Safe and unimpeded access is crucial to aid the increasing number of affected people.

The WFP urgently appeals for access to humanitarian aid, open borders, and protection from shelling in Gaza. The destruction of infrastructure hampers services, damaging health facilities, and UN schools used as shelters.

WFP urgently needs $17.3 million within the next four weeks to address critical funding shortfalls resulting from the recent conflict in Palestine. Severe shortages forced WFP to cut vital assistance to vulnerable families in June.

A total of $44.8 million is required over the next six months for emergency and regular aid, emphasizing the necessity of increased funding to sustain essential support. Before the conflict escalated, 1.8 million people in Palestine faced severe food insecurity, a third of the population.