Tashkent, 29 November 2022 (TDI): Zakovat “SCO Cup” took place at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on November 26. The contest was an intellectual competition.

Future political scientists, economists, lawyers, orientalists, diplomats, teachers, and professionals in the field of information-communication technologies, industry, journalists, and other spheres participated in Zakovat “SCO Cup.”

It is pertinent to note that one in five of the more than three billion people who live in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) region are under the age of 25.

This is a powerful force behind the development of the Organization’s space, which holds enormous intellectual potential for enhancing people’s quality of life in their respective nations.

In this vein, the SCO places a high value on youth issues, viewing them as one of the essential elements of steady development.

SCO Member Countries have deemed it necessary to create a society within the Organization where all youth will have the chance to recognize their potential & where their potential to contribute to the growth & construction of their nations’ futures will be acknowledged.

Zakovat "SCO Cup" took place at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Zakovat “SCO Cup” took place at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Moreover, the issues of enhancing and developing the intellectual potential of Uzbek youth have gained significant traction as a result of the resolution of the head of state endorsed in January 2022 and the Program of Measures to transform the game “Zakovat” (Intelligence), held since 2001, into a mass-educational-movement.

Also, in order to increase logical knowledge and engage young people in intellectual games, systematic work is being done in the country.

State support is being given and all necessary criteria are being formed for their high-level implementation in Uzbek educational institutions.

According to Odil Yusupdjanov, the First Vice-rector for Youth Affairs at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED), there are many young people today who set an example for their peers by effectively taking part in the process of revamping society with innovative ideas and projects.

Along these lines, UWED students have won and received prizes in a variety of competitive events in Uzbekistan and elsewhere.

The regular organization of such events not only serves as a common forum for interaction between students studying at higher educational institutions, but it also fosters a healthy competitive environment among them.

Likewise, it acts as a catalyst for increasing knowledge and broadening horizons in the international sphere. Contextually, the Samarkand Declaration of the September SCO summit emphasized the significance of increasing cooperation with the youth.

Kabuljon Sabirov, the Director of the SCO Center for Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, while speaking at the opening ceremony of the game said that this cooperation will be based on the implementation of the corporate appeal of the heads of the SCO member states to youth.

It will also include the Action Program started by the head of Uzbekistan. Additionally, the significance of hosting startup forums, competitions, and intellectual games contests for young people was emphasized.

The experience gave the students valuable practice, expanded their understanding of the SCO, and encouraged them to learn more about this power structure and its wide range of activities.

The top competitors who finished second and third in the game received honorable mention prizes. All participants received certificates for the event, and the first-place winning team received the “SCO Zakovat Cup 2022.”

With the help of the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, this event will likely be held annually in the future in the UWED.


I'm a detail-oriented, problem-solving, persistent multitasker. Having a magna cum laude MSc. in Strategic Studies from National Defense University, Pakistan, I believe in peaceful discourse & dialogue and have built my interest in nontraditional security threats.

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