Brussels, 29 November 2022 (TDI): European Union Commission welcomed the African Union (AU) Commission for accelerating the implementation of the 6th EU-AU Summit. This 11th Commission-to-Commission meeting took place in Brussels, Belgium.

European Union (EU) is investing in Africa as part of its Global Gateway Plan.
EU is ought to invest €150 billion in key transport corridors in Africa.

This project will facilitate trade mobility within Africa and between Africa and Europe. This plan will also develop the multi-country infrastructure to support trade mobility.

Moreover, the EU is also supporting Africa’s food sector by investing €4.5 billion until 2024. This will facilitate the food security and food system in the African region.

During the meeting between the EU and AU commissions, a task force was launched that would provide affordable fertilizers to the African region.

The President of the European Union Commission, Ursula von der Leyen addressed the meeting. She highlighted the importance of partnership between the EU and AU and said, “Africa and Europe are partners in times of crisis and for the future”.

This underlines the significance of the relationship between both regions and the commitment to further the ties.

6th EU-AU Summit

The 6th EU-AU Summit took place in February 2022. The main themes of the summit were cooperation in the fields of peace and security, development, enhanced partnership, mobility, multilateralism, and the Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package.

This package is in support of 2030 common ambition and Africa Union’s Agenda 2063. The recent commissions meeting was over reviewing and implementing the joint commitments of the 6th summit.

Also read: EU-AU 2022 Joint Summit

In this regard, key announcements were made to deliver in areas of infrastructure development, medicine and vaccines, food security, regional value chain, economic integration, peace, security, governance, climate change, and the energy sector.

Both commissions expressed concern over the energy and global food challenges due to the war in Ukraine.

They reaffirmed their adherence to enhancing the implementation of the summit commitments.