Washington DC, 24 November 2022 (TDI): United States (US) Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) issued a report overviewing conditions in India. The report which is released provides religious freedom conditions in India in 2021 and 2022.

USCIRF is a federal government commission created by the International Religious Freedom act of 1998 to advance international freedom of religion or belief.

Under this, USCIRF has asked the US State Department to designate India as a country of particular concern. According to the report, India has been violating religious freedom and human rights. The state has also been oppressing religious minorities.


According to the report, the condition of religious freedom in India in 2022 remained poor. As the Indian government policies do not support religious freedom in the state.

The violence against religious minorities has been on the surge under government policies. The national, state and local administrations continued to promote policies that targeted interfaith harmony and enforced religious conversions.

This has negatively affected religious minorities including Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, and Adivasis (indigenous tribal people).

Also read: International day commemorating victims of religious-based violence  

Government policies have enabled intolerance and violence in society, as per the report by USCIRF. The report has also cited different cases of a crackdown on journalists and civil society for reporting against the violent practices of the government.

While pointing out the anti-conversion laws of the government the report has discussed its disproportionate effects on minorities.

“The application and advocacy of these policies by government officials has created a culture of impunity for nationwide campaigns of harassment and violence particularly towards Muslims and Christians”.

The report has also highlighted the divide in society that has been created due to such extremist policies of the government. In conclusion, the report also states about “hate speeches and disinformation”.

According to the report, “government officials and non-state actors continue to use social media platforms and other forms of communication to intimidate and spread hatred and disinformation against minority communities”.