New York, 23 February 2023 (TDI): The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will vote this week on a resolution that calls all member states to diplomacy and comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine.

The text drafted by Ukraine, in consultation with allies will be put up for a vote at the end of the emergency meeting on Thursday.

The resolution underscores the urgency to find “diplomacy and a comprehensive and lasting peace in line with the principles of the charter of the UN.”

The resolution also demands a cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Russia’s military forces from Ukrainian territory “within its internationally recognized borders,” in other words, including territories Russia claims to have annexed.

The resolution reaffirms the UN’s “commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine” and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

UN Secretary-General remarks at UNGA

On Wednesday’s session of the General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the anniversary of Moscow’s attack “a grim milestone for the people of Ukraine and the international community.”

In his opening remarks, Guterres highlighted the impact on the world of Russia’s invasion. He noted that it has generated eight million refugees, and damaged global food and energy supplies in countries far away from the war zone.

US Ambassador urges to support the resolution

Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield said during the session, “The vote will go down in history. We will see where all nations stand on the matter of peace in Ukraine.

Ambassador Linda further stated that today the whole nations are gathered on the important historic resolution that promotes diplomacy, dialogue, and lasting peace in Ukraine.

”The timing of this moment is, of course, intentional. One year ago, Russia launched its illegal, unprovoked, full-scale invasion into Ukraine.”

Also read: UNGA resumes emergency session for a peaceful solution to Ukraine War

She urged the nations of the world to support diplomatic efforts to achieve comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine.

To promote cooperation on the threats to global food security, energy, finance, the environment, nuclear security, and safety.

She also added that President Biden visited Ukraine, and he made it clear where the United States stands.