Washington DC, 4 January 2022 (TDI): Antony J. Blinken Secretary of States of United States reaffirmed the commitment of the US to keep leading the push for greater global health security. The US Secretary addressed this statement in a press conference made on the 21 of December.
Blinken initiated his address by putting into context the political temperature when starting the Mandate as US secretary. The US Secretary stated that, when walking into the State Department, the world was at a breaking point and the same goes for the US. For instance, worldwide Covid-19 lockdown, US economic crisis, climate change, and US leadership preoccupation are the examples the Secretary illustrated.
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According to the US leadership, Blinken pointed out that if the US stopped leading, or engaging strongly in world affairs, two scenarios could happen. First, if another country with different values can take its place, or if there is no strong country, the outcome would still be chaos.
Another point was that finding a new way for countries to cooperate and coordinate their actions is now necessary due to the actual climate of the international world. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, new technologies impacts are matters that the whole world agrees need collective actions.
The United States, in response, reinforced its engagement with key organizations and countries to do that. It reaffirmed its commitments with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United Nations(UN), the G7, and more.
In addition, the US created new platforms that would help them interact with other nations and deal with its internal affairs. For instance, it created AUKUS, a Military alliance of the United Kingdom, Australia, and the US. It also launched the “build back better world global infrastructure initiative.”
To conclude, during the press conference, the issues of Afghanistan and the new way of cooperating with Asian countries, specifically those of ASEAN organizations, were essential topics discussed during the press conference.