New York, 14 July 2022 (TDI): The United Nations (UN) launched the Football for the Goals (FTTG) initiative with the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) as the inaugural member in New York.

This initiative was launched on 6 July and aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through football. FFTG allows the international football community to engage and promote Sustainable Development goals.

Football for the Goals

FFTG is a UN initiative that seeks to engage football stakeholders and major actors to use the power of football in promoting the SDGs.

Therefore, it aims to promote sustainability, equality, human rights, and climate action by advocating for actions and practices that support the achievement of the SDGs.

Following, this the UEFA joined the initiative with its plan called Strength through Unity. The FFTG will help raise awareness and recognition of the SDGs. The initiative will also accomplish behavioral change and sustainable habits in the football industry.

FFTG Principles

The FFTG has principles that it intends to follow and these include:

  • Sustainability policies and practices
  • Implementing and advocating for the SDGs
  • A human rights-based approach, including addressing issues of discrimination and avoiding discriminatory practices
  • Equality and equity, including gender
  • Climate change

The UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J. Mohammed, and UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin launched FFTG virtually.

The initiative calls on all football stakeholders including national associations, leagues, club players, the media, and much more interested in football to be part of this program of change to achieve the SDGs.

It thus urges them to conform to the principles of sustainable development and human rights. Furthermore, it calls for the development of sustainable business practices and urges these stakeholders to act as SDG pioneers.

Likewise, the media houses are encouraged to advocate and raise the profile of SDGs through the use of their social media/online presence.

UN launches FFTG with UEFA
UN launches FFTG with UEFA

Read also: HLPF on Sustainable Development Goals


UEFA is the mother body of all European Football associations. Consequently, it is the union in charge of 55 national associations across Europe.

It aims to promote football in the light of unity, solidarity, peace, understanding, and fair play with segregation. UEFA also promotes and protects ethical standards as well as good governance in the European football industry.