Lusaka, 14 July 2022 (TDI): The Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) will launch the Education Plus 2021-2025 initiative with the United Nations, Africa, at the African Union (AU) Mid-Year Coordination meeting.

This is a side event that will take place at Lusaka. The first lady of the Republic of Zambia, Mutinta Hichilema, will host the initiative at Mulungushi International Conference Centre on 17 July 2022.

Education Plus Initiative

The Education Plus 2021-2025 initiative is a high-level initiative that promotes the empowerment of adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa.

The initiative, led by OAFLAD, is in partnership with UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNESCO, and UN Women.

Also read: USAID launches Women Empowerment Program

Aim of the Education Plus 2021-2025

The initiative aims to empower adolescent girls and young women and attain gender equality. It also aims to focus on hastening the prevention of HIV/AIDS among women, young and old alike.

The initiative also calls for investments and policies that benefit both women and the country, that is, its social, economic growth, and prosperity. It, therefore, looks at women from a holistic, human rights-based, and gender-responsive perspective.

It will also seek to enable girls to access and complete free quality secondary education. As a result, this will help curb HIV/AIDS. This will also enable young girls to receive the necessary support to transition into adulthood.

The pioneers of these initiatives are African countries. These include Benin, Cameroun, Gabon, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Ghana, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Uganda, and Malawi.

Likewise, other countries in the initiative lead, including Senegal, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Namibia, are also part of it.

Education Plus Initiative empowers women
Education Plus Initiative empowers women, especially young girls.
Expected results of the Meeting

The following outcomes are expected to take place from the meeting:

  • Increase in the investments in gender transformative secondary education
  • Member countries to receive insights from young women and recommendations for the country and regional level to address these needs.
  • The Education Plus initiative is to be made popular among all member states.
  • Spreading awareness of the role of education in the preservation and protection of girls against HIV/AIDS will encourage them to reach their highest potential.