New York, 17 January 2023 (TDI): The absence of fighting in Yemen has given a space for dialogue. The United Nations (UN) has urged the belligerent parties to take advantage of it.

The UN Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg at the UN Security Council Session has urged the parties to use this wisely to bring options for peace and security. He further reported that meditation dialogues are going on between the Government of Yemen and Houthi rebels. 

Following the failure in October 2022 for a truce, regional and international communities are doing efforts to end this eight-year-long crisis. 

 “Yemen needs an agreement that includes a shared vision for the way forward, to avoid a return to full-blown conflict. I, therefore, urge the parties to make the most of the space for dialogue provided by the absence of large-scale fighting,” Hans said. 

The situation in Yemen seems stable. There are no major escalations or any other major changes on the front.

Nevertheless, some limited activity has been noticed along the frontlines of five governorates – Ma’rib, Taiz, Dali’, Hodeidah, and Lahj, and also, near the Saudi Arabia border that resulted in some causalities.  

Warning against the possibility of renewed violence, he advised the parties “To actively work to extend the longest period of relative quiet we have seen in the past eight years, which offers a much-needed reprieve for the Yemeni population.” 

The UN Envoy further said that the UN would keep doing peacemaking efforts. He further stressed a security agreement for military de-escalation, to take measures for reconstruction and rehabilitation, and to prevent further economic deterioration and mitigate conflicts.

Furthermore, Hans warned against “short-term measures and a piecemeal approach that focuses on individual issues”. He focused on a holistic vision, settlements, and resumption of the political process.

He called for a complete ceasefire, “We are currently seeing an intensification of regional and international diplomatic activity to resolve the conflict in Yemen.”

“I would like to reiterate my appreciation for the efforts of Saudi Arabia and Oman in this regard,” said Hans.