Phnom Penh, 13 January 2022 (TDI): Special envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Myanmar lauded Cambodian role in addressing International Affairs Today.

In an online video conference, Noeleen Heyzar noted the role played by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen as the Chair of ASEAN Summit 2022. UN commends the important role of Premier Hun Sen in addressing International affairs, as an ASEAN Chair, the envoy added.

During the online conference, she also congratulated Cambodia to assume ASEAN Chairmanship 2022. The Special Envoy expressed her wish to enhance cooperation with Cambodia.

UN will support the country to draw a peaceful solution to the current crisis in Myanmar. UN also aspires to work with Cambodia to contribute to solving various regional issues.

Cambodian Prime Minister

While Cambodian Premier Hun Sen found an opportunity to congratulate the UN General Secretary’s Envoy on Myanmar for her appointment.

Noeleen Heyzar has been just newly appointed as the Special envoy of the secretary-general of the United Nations on Myanmar.

During the conference, Mr. Hun Sen underlined his recent visit to Myanmar as an ASEAN Chair. His visit adhered to the 5-point consensus only to contribute to ending violence in Myanmar, he added.

ASEAN charter also believes in providing humanitarian aids to the people of Myanmar without discrimination. Not only ASEAN but also other international organizations including the UN need to work together for this purpose, Premier noted in the Online conference.

Moreover, the two sides have also agreed on the implementation of a ceasefire and an end to the violence in Myanmar. While the Cambodian Premier proposed UN envoy to work closely with the ASEAN’s special envoy on the Myanmar crisis.

Cambodian role