Kyiv, 18 March 2022 (TDI): The President of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelenskyy, on Friday had a high level conversation with the President of European Commission, Ursula von der leyen.

According to Zelensky the European Commission’s opinion on Ukraine’s application to become a member of European Union will be ready in few months.

Furthermore, in his tweet he said that the European Commission and the Ukrainian Government are being instructed. In addition to this, he said that they; Ukraine and European Commission, are moving towards their strategic goal together.

President Leyen’s Stance

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission took to Twitter to show harmony with Ukraine amid the crisis. She said that she assured the President of Ukraine of incessant support of European Union.

Furthermore, she hinted that Ukraine is about to be a part of European Union saying that ‘Ukraine’s European path has now begun.’ She talked about the courage, vision and stamina that decisions like this take. Also, she assured that the European Commission will move forward in this direction.

 Russia Ukraine Crisis: An Overview

Ukraine and Russia have captured the entire world’s attention since 24th February. Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine at the behest of its Security Council that convened a day before.

Prior to this, a day before, Russia also recognized the Republics of the Luhansk and Donetsk, much to the West’s chagrin. The Donetsk and Luhansk are a part of the Donbas region that is pro-Russia territory.

Recently, Western countries had been alleging Russia about troops’ deployment on the border of Ukraine. However, Russia had been denying the allegations by claiming that it has no intention to invade Ukraine.

One of the main issues of contention between Russia and the EU/US is NATO’s beefed-up defences in northeastern Europe and Ukraine’s intent to join NATO. Russian and Western counterparts held a series of negotiations to avert escalation. Though, that indelibly failed.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s stance regarding Ukraine is a matter of principle. In this context, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that if attempts to come to terms on mutually acceptable principles fail, Russia will adopt an appropriate response.

Contrarily, the Ukrainian authorities had been alerting the world about a possible invasion. Throughout 2021 and 2022, Russia and the West engaged in a diplomatic tussle related to Ukraine.

Likewise, the West kept accusing Russia of a military buildup on the border of Ukraine. Whilst Russia kept objecting to NATO’s expansionist agenda that is considered a threat to its strategic security.