Islamabad, 31 August 2022 (TDI): Ambassador of Thailand to Pakistan, Chakkrid Krachaiwong, met Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, Additional Secretary (UN)/Spokesperson of Pakistan.

During the meting he informed was aaprised about the flood relief assistance for Pakistan.  Approximately 6 million Pak Rupees have been collected in Thailand on behalf of the renowned Buddhist Monk, Aryawangso.

The cheque was handed over to Sahebzada Ahmed Khan, the Ambassador of Pakistan to Thailand, in Bangkok.

The Ambassador of Thailand also informed of donation being arranged by the Thai Government to contribute in the flood relief activities.

While the Additional Secretary on his part lauded Aryawangso as well as the people of Thailand for their devotion for Pakistan and solidarity in this hard time.

Buddhist Monk, Aryawangso

Arayawangso is known as one of the few monks in Thailand wwith good knowledge of Islam. He is also renowned for his endeavors to act as an intermediary between the Muslim and Buddhist communities in the strife-torn areas of southern Thailand.

Recent Floods in Pakistan 

Floods in Pakistan have killed at least 1,191 people, including 380 children, since June 2022. Flooding was driven by heavier-than-normal monsoon rains and melting glaciers following a severe heat wave, all of which are linked to climate change.

It is the world’s deadliest flood since the South Asian floods of 2017 and has been described as the worst in the country’s history.

Also Read: Turkiye sends relief supplies to Pakistan following floods

Because of the flooding, Pakistan announced a state of emergency on August 25. On August 29, Pakistan’s Minister of Climate Change stated that around “one-third” of the country was underwater, affecting 33 million people.

So far, the government of Pakistan has calculated a loss of US$10 billion due to flooding across the country. Six military officials were killed in a helicopter crash during a flood relief operation in August 2022.

Sherry Rehman, Pakistan’s Climate Change Minister, stated that the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan received 784% and 500% more rainfall than the August average, respectively.

Furthermore, southern Pakistan suffered back-to-back record-breaking heat waves in May and June, which were exacerbated by climate change. In Gilgit Baltistan, the heatwaves caused glacial floods.

It is noteworthy that the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is one of the world’s fastest warming regions, warming by 1°C on average (compared to the worldwide warming average of 0.7°C).

Rise in the temperature of the sea surface are thought to promote monsoon rainfall. These factors combined to form a powerful thermal low, resulting in higher rains than typical.

As of August 2022, over 300,000 people are living in temporary camps as a result of the floods. These are the deadliest floods in Pakistan since 2010, when nearly 2,000 people died in flooding.

Ambassador of Thailand

I'm a detail-oriented, problem-solving, persistent multitasker. Having a magna cum laude MSc. in Strategic Studies from National Defense University, Pakistan, I believe in peaceful discourse & dialogue and have built my interest in nontraditional security threats.

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