New York, 3 September 2022 (TDI): South African Ambassador to UN Mathu Joyini, introduced a resolution on the “High-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”.

She voiced concern over the pandemic, global economic downturn, food and energy crises, political instability, terrorism, violent extremism, and the marginalization of women and girls. She mentioned that these problems would continue exacerbating poverty and threaten peacebuilding gains.

South African envoy further called for an action-oriented outcome to negotiations on the financing for peacebuilding resolution. It also addresses the financing gap to support nationally owned and regional peacebuilding processes in all settings.

She further stated that the continued demonstration of political will is vital to ensure that a whole-of-society approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response is adopted and operationalized.  Concerted political action at a global level is also needed.

South Africa’s Position on the issue
South Africa will continue to engage the proposals on the New Agenda for Peace in the Our Common Agenda report. The report underscores the importance of investing in prevention and preparedness.
South Africa also believes regional organizations are uniquely positioned and experienced in conflict prevention in Africa. This has been outlined in the Common African Position on the 2020 review of the peacebuilding architecture.

South African envoy to the UN underscored South Africa’s commitment to intensify interventions. It aimed at enhancing women’s role in peacebuilding, notably in political leadership, mediation, and negotiations. Adding to that peace operation mandates can better reflect gender-responsive disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration.

Resolution 76/27

Resolution 76/27 on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and the response of the United Nations General Assembly was adopted in March 202. It urged the Member States to ensure effective domestic resource mobilization as well as better allocation and use of resources with adequate financing. It targeted the issue such as pandemic preparedness through close collaboration with stakeholders like academia.