Pretoria, 23 February 2022 (TDI): South Africa organized the 2nd South Africa-Ireland Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) in Pretoria. The purpose of the JCC is to enhance bilateral relations between Ireland and South Africa.

South African Deputy Minister, Alvin Botes and Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora of Ireland, Colm Brophy, Co-chaired the meeting.

Meeting Between Irish and the South African Officials 

In the meeting, South African and Irish Ministers praised close ties and friendship that people of both countries share. Likewise, both Ministers talked about COVID 19 pandemic.

Further, they showed deep concern over the loss of lives and its impact on economic and social developments. Moreover, the two sides pledged to speed up the collective efforts to tackle the challenges due to health crises.

In addition, both showed satisfaction with the reports of relevant departments of both countries on the strength of economic, political and social cooperation.

Minister Alvin Botes added that “let us build on the strong foundations of our partnership to secure a better future for South Africa, for Ireland, for Africa and the world.”

Moreover, both sides shared views on regional and international issues. This includes the concerning situation in Western Sahara, Palestine, Mozambique. Likewise, the two emphasized the European Union (EU) and African Union (AU) collaboration.

Both sides affirmed their commitment to promoting and protecting human rights, multilateralism, the international rule of law, and good cooperation between two countries on the international stage.

Ireland and South Africa Relations

South Africa and Ireland share warm diplomatic relations. It is the 2nd JCC, and Ireland will host the third in Dublin. Moreover, both country’s cooperation is based on several issues, including the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, Nuclear disarmament, and COVID 19 pandemic.