Samarkand, 15 September 2022 (TDI): The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, met the President of China, Xi Jinping, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Uzbekistan.

The Kremlin of Russia mentioned that the Russian-China cooperation could be considered a model. The meeting was held in Samarkand in Uzbekistan where currently SCO Summit is held this year. Eight countries in the Asian region are members of the SCO and are in Uzbekistan to attend the Summit.

Also Read: Heads of Russia, Pakistan meet on the sidelines of SCO 2022 summit

Russia-China bilateral talk

Both Presidents of the leading two states of the Asia and Eurasia region talked regarding their developing bilateral cooperation. Furthermore, Russia and China have already established friendly ties in the recent past.

Statement by Russian President:

The Russian President during the SCO meeting said, “The world is changing rapidly, but only one thing remains unchanged: the friendship between China and Russia, our good and in the full sense of the word strategic comprehensive partnership, and we continue to strengthen these relations.

Russian-Chinese interstate cooperation can be considered a model. The foreign policy tandem of Moscow and Beijing plays a key role in ensuring global and regional stability. We jointly stand for the formation of a just, democratic, and multipolar world order based on international law and the central role of the UN, and not on some rules that someone has come up with and is trying to impose on others, without even explaining what it is.

We condemn the provocations of the United States and its satellites in the Taiwan Strait. We talked about this with the head of parliament, Chairman [of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Li Zhanshu], most recently in Vladivostok.

Tomorrow we are to take part in the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. I would like to note that after a three-year break caused by the pandemic, it will be held in person. Now, this is especially important, since the task is to ensure the all-round strengthening of the SCO as a platform for constructive and constructive interaction.

I am sure that our today’s meeting will give an additional impetus to the deepening of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership both on a bilateral basis and internationally.”

Statement by Chinese President: 

Furthermore, the President of China Xi Jinping also gave a statement after the Russian President’s message. The Chinese President said:

I am very glad about our new meeting. In February of this year, it was a pleasure for us to celebrate together the day of the beginning of spring and the opening of the Winter Olympics, and to discuss grandiose plans for the development of Chinese-Russian relations.

In the context of a global pandemic, we maintain effective strategic contacts, particularly through telephone conversations. In the face of the colossal changes of our time on a global scale, unprecedented in the history of our times, we are ready with our Russian colleagues to set an example of responsible world power and play a leading role in bringing such a rapidly changing world onto a trajectory of sustainable and positive development.

I would like to take this opportunity – I am ready to exchange views with you on the bilateral agenda, as well as on international and regional topics of mutual interest.”