Brazzaville, 15 August 2022 (TDI): The Republic of Congo celebrates Independence Day on 15 August every year. This year marks 62 years since the country gained independence.

The President of the Republic of Congo wished everyone a happy independence day.

Many countries wished the people and Government on the day.

The President of the US, Joe Biden, sent a special letter congratulating President Denis Sassou N’Guesso and the Congolese people on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain also wished the Republic of Congo on its 62nd Independence Day.

Historical context

The Republic of Congo remained under French colonial rule for more than 80 years. During this period, the Congolese people endured enslavement and many other sufferings.

The French rule saw dominant abuses of forced labor. This can be evident from the example of the building of the Congo-Ocean railway.

It resulted in the deaths of more than 17000 Africans and later led to the revolts in 1928. In 1958, the Congolese people voted for autonomy under French Colonial rule.

On 15 August 1960, the Congolese people finally gained an independent state. Fulbert Youlou became the first president of the newly independent state.

Also read: Foreign Minister met Commander in Chief of Congo

Celebrating the historical day

For the country, 15 August is celebrated as a public holiday. It is celebrated as a day that saw an end to colonial rule.

It is a day of hope and celebrations for the Congolese people. On this day, across all the 40 cities of the country, the government organizes public parades.

From 10 am till noon, the parade is held along Le Boulevard Alfred Raoul in Brazzaville. Soldiers, politicians and the President also participate in this parade.

The Congolese people mostly attend this parade as spectators, while some even participate. Congolese Independence Day is a joyous day to celebrate pride and resilience.

This day holds great significance in the nation’s history. The Congolese people also tend to instill this patriotic spirit in young generations.

They celebrate this day to appreciate their ancestors’ sacrifices because they get to live in an Independent state.