New York, 27 December 2021 (TDI): Daniel del Valle, the Policy Advisor at the United Nations (UN) met with Umaro Sissoco Embaló, the President of the Republic of Guinea Bissau. The meeting took place after the latter’s speech at the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

President Umaro Sissoco Embaló underscored the significance of peacebuilding as well as improving living standards. Moreover, he thanked the UN for its efforts in the African country. The President of Guinea Bissau made these remarks on the successful conclusion of the UN’s peacekeeping in his country, last year.

Daniel del Valle: UN Policy Advisor

Daniel del Valle is currently serving at the prestigious position of Advisor to the Ambassador in the Observer Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the United Nations, New York.

He is also a High Representative of Youth at Fundación Internacional de Derechos Humanos (International Foundation for Human Rights). In addition, he also serves as Ambassador of Organization of American States (OAS) and Pan American Development Foundation.

His areas of interest include diplomacy, law, human rights, international relations, and economics. He also continues to serve as Policy Advisor to the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations in New York.

Daniel del Valle has been working passionately to support the enactment of the UN Youth Strategy 2030 launched by António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General.

Guinea-Bissau: A West African Country

Guinea-Bissau is a tropical country on the Atlantic coast of West Africa. It is famous for its wildlife and national parks. The main island of the country is Bubaque. It forms part of the Orango Islands National Park which is a habitat for saltwater hippos.

Bissau is the capital of the country and is located on the mainland. It is a port city. Likewise, the archipelago of Bijagós is a forested, sparsely populated, protected biosphere reserve.