Geneva, 12 July 2022 (TDI): Wai Wai Nu, a Burmese activist addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) panel discussion on Myanmar. She blamed Myanmar’s military for carrying out brutalities against the Rohingyas.

Wai Wai Nu spent seven years incarcerated in the Insein Prison her crime being the daughter of a political activist from the Rakhine state. Finally, her release took place in 2012. Since then, she dedicated her life to helping the Rohingya Muslims.

“As we speak, the key perpetrators of these atrocities, the Myanmar military, and security forces, are intensifying their brutality, including airstrikes and committing arrest and detention, torture, sexual violence, and killings across the country,” Nu said.

The Brutal History of Rohingya 

The Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar have endured discrimination and atrocities for decades now. More than six hundred thousand Rohingyas have to continue living in horrible conditions. Myanmar’s military forcibly separated families. Moreover, they are denied the right to basic needs.

“For decades, ethnic minorities in Myanmar have been subjected to the most brutal forms of violence and policies that amount to crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide,” Nu remarked on the unfortunate history of Rohingyas.

It is important to seek permission from the military to travel within and outside of the Rakhine state. However, those who fail to comply face imprisonment.

The military also has another requirement to carry the “national verification cards”. The cards are important for carrying out daily life activities.

Moreover, the 2020 report by High Commissioner Michele Bachelet reported that Myanmar policies are discriminatory along Myanmar’s military.

Thus, the last hope for the Rohingyas is the international community.

A Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for Genocide Studies at the University Dhaka, Imtiaz Ahmed stated,

“It is clear that without bringing pressure, including economic and political sanctions, nothing will change the tragic fate of the Rohingyas.”