Toronto, 22 December 2021 (TDI): Yesterday, the Pakistani Canadian Community arranged a virtual memorial event in Toronto. The event was joined by Abdul Hameed, the Consul General of Pakistan in Toronto, the widow and family of Priyantha Kumara, and many other members of the Pakistani Canadian Community.

The memorial was held to honor the life of Srilanka’s national Priyantha Kumara and to extend support to his family. The Pakistani Canadian community came together to raise funding for Priyantha’s family. Fortunately, the campaign was successful to raise funding and Scholarship of almost one hundred thousand dollars.

Priyantha Kumara’s widow and children expressed sincere gratitude to the organizers of the campaign. Moreover, raising funding for the family of Priyantha was a kind and supportive gesture by the members of the Pakistani Canadian community.

The memorial was attended by the representatives of the government of Pakistan who expressed support from Pakistan as well. Furthermore, Consul General Abdul Hameed expressed sorrow over the family’s great loss and extended support to the family of deceased.

Pakistani Canadian Community

The Pakistani Community in Canada excels in various fields of work and also supports other members of the community. The most notable example is Sadaf Ebrahim, who is not only an entrepreneur but also engaged in other social activities; such as volunteering and providing support to people from all ethnic backgrounds.

Sadaf Ebrahim, the first Pakistani Canadian to receive the ‘Order of Ottawa’ from the Mayor of Ottawa on November 18. The Pakistani Canadian Community is making its mark and making Pakistan proud.

The arrangement of a campaign to support the family of Priyantha was a huge step by the Pakistani community in Canada. Such steps taken by a community depict how to support others in a hard time.

Priyantha Kumara