Pakistani Ambassador meets President of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes


Paris, 6 June 2023 (TDI): Ambassador of Pakistan Asim Iftikhar Ahmad with Fabienne Buccio, Prefete de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in Lyon. They both discussed the areas of mutual cooperation.

The two countries have engaged in a collaboration that encompasses diverse sectors, including trade, defense, education, culture, and development.

Trade is an important aspect of Pakistan-France relations. Both countries are working to strengthen their economic connections by increasing trade and investment.

Pakistan exports to France textiles, leather goods, surgical equipment, and agricultural products, while importing machinery, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and luxury items.

Efforts are being undertaken to increase bilateral trade, lower trade obstacles, and improve commercial relations between the two countries.

Another critical part of their relationship is defense cooperation. Pakistan and France hold defense dialogues, joint military exercises, and collaborate on defense equipment. This cooperation includes the sharing of military experience, training programs, and the transfer of defense technologies. Sharing expertise and experiences in areas such as counterterrorism, peacekeeping, and defense modernization benefits both countries.

Also Read: France and Pakistan sign financial agreement 

Education and cultural exchanges are critical in promoting mutual understanding and improving interpersonal relationships. Between Pakistan and France, there are numerous academic and cultural exchange programs that allow students, scholars, and artists to engage in cross-cultural learning and collaboration.

France actively supports Pakistan’s socioeconomic advancement through development cooperation. French development agencies help with things like energy, water management, agriculture, and infrastructure development.

This collaboration helps Pakistan achieve its long-term development goals by addressing issues such as poverty reduction, healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Moreover, France has expressed an interest in working with Pakistan on environmental protection and climate change projects.

Both countries understand the need to tackle climate change and have held conversations about sustainable development, renewable energy, and environmental preservation. This collaboration can assist Pakistan in addressing environmental issues and implementing green solutions.

Pakistan and France have a diverse connection that includes trade, defense, education, culture, and development collaboration.

Both countries work intensively to enhance commercial relations, encourage defense cooperation, facilitate educational and cultural exchanges, support development efforts, and address global issues such as climate change.

This reciprocal cooperation develops friendship, understanding, and collaboration, which contributes to Pakistan-France bilateral ties.