Islamabad, 20 June 2023 (TDI): Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahbaz Shareef tweeted to condemn the Israeli expansion plan under which they are building more than 4,500 settlements in the occupied West Bank.

In his tweet, he said that this expansion is a clear manifestation of the universally accepted goal of the two-state solution and is contributing to increased instability and violence in the region.

He continued, saying that these unethical and illegal actions by Israel portray a complete disregard for international law and the globally accepted two-state solution for this conflict.

This act will sabotage the cause of a peaceful resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict, ultimately undermining the UN resolutions and the peace in the region.

Pakistan has always stood with the Palestinian people in their just cause of getting independence, and this tweet made by the Prime Minister is the continuation of Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people and condemnation of Israel’s unjust actions.

Pakistan has never recognized Israel as an independent state and continues to demand that Palestine get its territory back, and Israel should respect its territorial integrity. The Palestine-Israel conflict remains a highly sensitive and complex issue, but Pakistan’s stance on the matter is clear and consistent.

Also Read: Pakistan Calls on UN to Act on Resolutions for Kashmir and Palestine

This conflict has a long history and has been an initiative of many wars in the region. For Muslims, the issue of Palestine is not just a political one but also a matter of faith and solidarity with fellow Muslims.

Palestine is home to many sacred sites for Muslims, and attacks on these sites are seen as an attack on the entire Muslim community.

Despite pressure from some countries to normalize relations with Israel, Pakistan remains committed to its principled stance on the Palestine-Israel conflict.

As a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Pakistan will continue to work towards a just and peaceful resolution of this longstanding issue.