Karachi, 25 January 2022 (TDI): Pakistan Navy inducted PNS Tughril and 10 Sea King Helicopters into its fleet. The induction was done in an official ceremony in Karachi.

President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The induction ceremony was held at the Pakistan Navy Dockyard Karachi.


The Sea King Helicopters along with the Sea King simulator are a gift by the Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF). The helicopters are inducted into the No. 111 squadron of the Pakistan Naval Air Arm. The squadron is already operating Sea King Helicopters. 

The induction ceremony was attended by esteemed guests from the Embassies of Qatar and China. Governor Sindh also attended the ceremony along with serving and retired officers of tri-services of Pakistan.

Pakistan Navy
Sea King Helicopter

The Type 054A frigate is a Chinese vessel. It is a class of multi-role frigates. PNS Tughril is the first of four Type 054 frigates built by China for the Pakistan Navy. It is a technologically advanced and highly capable platform.

The frigate has tremendous surface-to-air, surface-to-surface, and underwater firepower. Moreover, it has extensive surveillance capabilities. The vessel is outfitted with cutting-edge combat management as well as an electronic warfare system.

Pakistan Navy
PNS Tughril


In addition, it has advanced self-defense capabilities and can carry out complex naval warfare maneuvers in an intense multi-threat environment. The Type 054A frigate is the largest and most advanced warship.

This latest induction is a true representation of the Pakistan Navy’s ambition to maintain peace in the region by staying vigilant along with remaining at par with the latest and emerging technologies. The helicopters and the frigate will augment the operational prowess of the Pakistan Navy.