Tokyo, 27 June 2013 (TDI): The 13th round of Bilateral Political Consultations (BPC) took place today between Pakistan and Japan. The Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Asad Majeed Khan, was leading the Pakistani side, while the Japanese side was headed by the Senior Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shigeo Yamada. The consultations took place in Tokyo.

The consultations encompassed the whole range of bilateral relations, including every aspect necessary to strengthen mutual ties and understanding.

Issues like global politics, increasing trade volume between both countries, economic assistance, advancing connectivity, science and technology, and most importantly, fostering people-to-people connections were on the table during the discussion.

Pakistan and Japan have a glorious history of strong diplomatic relations and have worked closely to achieve common goals in various fields and promote peace and stability in the region.

Both countries are already collaborating to enhance labor exchange and have signed various MoUs to increase labor exports from Pakistan to Japan.

Also Read: Pakistan Explores Labor Exports to Japan

Japan also announced earlier this month that it will provide 2.25 million USD in aid to Pakistan for Human resource development, which will help Pakistan with social development and also provide an opportunity for government officials to pursue their MPhil and Ph.D. degrees from Japan.

Japan is the host country for a notable portion of the Pakistani diaspora, including businessmen, students, and the labor class, which plays an important role in deepening cultural exchange.

The Foreign Secretary also met with the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Takei Shunsuke, and the National Security Advisor, Takeo Akiba, to further discuss specific concerns with the respective persons.

All interlocutors also conveyed their goodwill and regard for the people and government of Pakistan and the Japanese side. It was also highlighted that Japan is looking forward to the upcoming official visit of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, which is planned for the first week of July.

These consultations are a testament to the brotherly ties between both states and help make these relations stronger and more steady.