Oslo, 20 November 2021 (TDI): Pakistan’s Embassy in Norway organized a seminar for investment prospects in Pakistan. A number of Pakistani government officials attended the online seminar.

The embassy organized Seminar particularly for young Pakistani entrepreneurs residing in Norway. About 40 entrepreneurs of Pakistani origin attended the seminar.

During the event, the Pakistan Ambassador to Norway, Babar Amin underlined the necessity for improving investment and business potential between Pakistan and Norway.

A number of officials also attended the Seminar, online. Key participating officials were Jamil Qureshi DG Board of Investment Pakistan,  Osman Nasir MD Pakitan Software Export Board. Also, Abdul Rahim DG Special Technology Zones Authority-STZA, Yaruq Nadeem Manager Innovation of National Science & Technology Park -NST, Muhammad Adeel AD Science Diplomacy Division, MOFA and, Honorary Investment Counselor Javed Mushtaq.

Pakistan Embassy Norway
Number of Government Officials Attending Seminar Online

During the seminar, DG, Board of Investment Jamil Qureshi highlighted investment regimes in Pakitan and elaborated on the flourishing business environment. MD Pakistan Software Export Board Osman Nasir elaborated on outsourcing prospects in Pakistan. He also highlighted IT & Software export opportunities lying dormant in Pakistan.

Furthermore, DG Special Technology Zones Authority-STZA Abdul Rahim gave a comprehensive overview of incentives for tech-based investment in Pakistan. DG STZA Rahim also elaborated on the knowledge ecosystem vital for tech-based investment. Yaruq Nadeem, Manager Innovation of NST highlighted the promising environment for start-ups in Pakistan.

Pakistan Embassy Norway
DG Special Technology Zones Authority Abdul Rahim Speaking at the Seminar

Moreover, AD of Science Diplomacy Division MOFA  Muhammad Adeel elucidated on various inter-agential collaboration Science Diplomacy Division. He also highlighted that these collaborations are enhancing the scope of Science & Technology in Pakistan, enabling diaspora outreach in Pakistan, and expanding the Innovation Network of Pakistan. AD Muhammad Adeel also underlined the objectives of his Science Diplomacy Division as:

Pakistan Embassy Norway
Muhammad Adeel AD Science Diplomacy Division Showing Participants of Seminar the Plan of Increasing Diaspora Outreach and Expanding Innovation Network
  • Socio-Economic Development
  • Strengthening Science & Technology Collaboration
  • Institutional Linkages
  • Popularization of Science
  • Engaging Scientific Diaspora
  • Facilitating Technology Transfer

In last, Honorary Counselor on Investment Javad Mushtaq guided the young Pakistani-origin entrepreneurs about promising prospects of tech investment in Pakistan. He also outlined the prospects of tech collaboration via the engagement of young entrepreneurs based in Pakistan and Norway.