Beijing, 20 October 2023 (TDI): The opening ceremony of the 5th China-Russia Energy Business Forum was held on October 18, in Beijing.

The President of China did not attend the opening ceremony of the Forum rather the Vice Premier of China, Ding Xuexiang read a congratulatory letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In the letter, President Xi Jinping appraised the high-level cooperation between China and Russia and paid his thanks for the joint efforts of the two countries in energy cooperation, based on equality and mutual benefit.

Likewise, the Chief of the Russian oil company Rosneft also read the congratulatory letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Forum.

“The Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum plays a significant role in promoting mutually beneficial cooperation, which provides a direct constructive dialogue between representatives of relevant government agencies, business and expert circles in the two countries. I am confident that during this forum you will thoroughly discuss the most pressing issues on the industry agenda and outline new, promising forms of co-operation.”, the letter by President Putin read.

The Vice Premier of China, Ding Xuexiang in addressing the opening ceremony of the Forum stated that under the strategic guidance of the Heads of State of Russia and China, China-Russia energy cooperation had always maintained a good momentum of positive development.

The Vice Premier while highlighting the potential of cooperation between the two countries, delineated that China and Russia are important energy producers and consumers in the world.

During the Forum, Vice Premier Ding put forward three proposals for deepening China-Russia energy cooperation.

Firstly, he proposed that both countries should effectively promote energy infrastructural connectivity, continue to maintain effective communication, and jointly ensure the safe and stable operation of cross-border energy channels.

Secondly, he set forth that China and Russia should actively expand new growth points of energy cooperation, and strengthen cooperation in emerging fields such as renewable energy, hydrogen energy, energy storage, and the carbon market.

He also added that both countries should work together to promote technological revolution and industrial development in low-carbon fields.

Thirdly, he stated that both countries should continue to deepen global energy governance cooperation, and firmly safeguard the openness and connectivity of the global energy market.

He also added to promote the establishment of a fair, just, balanced, and inclusive global energy governance system.

Apart from putting forward the proposals, Vice Premier Ding emphasized that both countries after consensus should build a closer energy partnership and push forward China-Russia energy cooperation to make more new achievements.

Furthermore, he stressed that both countries should make new contributions to ensuring global energy security and promoting sustainable development of energy.

Also read: Putin highlights robust Russia-China Relations & path to Multipolar World

Igor Sechin, the Chief of Russian oil company Rosneft who is also the Executive Secretary of the Russian presidential commission for the strategic development of the fuel and energy sector and environmental security, addressed at the opening ceremony of the Forum.

The opening ceremony of the 5th China-Russia Business Forum was attended by more than 400 representatives from relevant departments of China and Russia, energy enterprises, financial institutions, research institutes, and industrial associations.