Mexico City, 13 October 2021 (TDI): Ambassador Juan Ramon de la Fuente, represented Mexico at the UN Security Council session, on 12 October. The UNSC met to discuss the ties of peace construction and identity diversity.
De la Fuente started by mentioning the risks and threats to international peace and security, and their link to the economic and social development challenges. He mentioned a study of the UN, and the International Bank in 2018, which showed that the violent conflicts had reached the highest levels. The study also remarks that the projection to 2030, 2/3 of the population that live in extreme poverty; will live in affected countries.
De la Fuente stated that exclusion, inequality, systemic discrimination, disinformation, and the incitement to hate, feeds the cycle of violence.
The Ambassador also stated that those reasons, because they feed the cycle, and in extreme cases cause crimes against humanity.
Then, De la Fuente remarks that the religious, and ethnic tensions have been the cause of genocides. As he also states that many situations that the Council manages, share similar causes.
De la Fuente also referred to several causes that generate conditions for conflicts and violence.
Those causes are the Covid-19, climate change, food insecurity, the technology advancements that increase the exclusion, supremacism, the illegal traffic of arms, and extreme poverty.
Then, the official stated that the most affected sectors regarding exclusion and violence were national, ethnic, and religious minorities; and the vulnerable people. The Ambassador also refers to vulnerable people being of the LGTB community, migrants, refugees, displaced people, indigenous villages, and women.
De la Fuente stressed the need to create a culture of co-existence that values diversity. Also, that culture needs to include everyone. The Ambassador made a call to the President to deal with the causes of the conflicts, to prevent them. Four points were remarked by De la Fuente; the 2030 Agenda and sustaining peace, are crucial.
Second, the early warning mechanisms are key to identify risks, and triggering factors. This is important because the International Community needs to count on the capacity to act, to effectively prevent conflicts. Third, the full and effective participation of women, young people, and civil society; to prevent conflicts is essential.
Fourth, he mentions that the UNSC needs to strengthen the dialogue with other organs of the UN, like the General Assembly. This is to prevent that economic development and human rights violations become a threat to International Peace.
He reaffirmed Mexico’s belief in sustainable peace as the main axis, to support the prevention and consolidation of peace. Because according to De la Fuente, to have sustainable peace it is necessary to recognize diversity.